Advising Defined

In 2004, the ACCAA proposed and the campus approved, the following definition of advising:

Advising is a dynamic relationship between a student and advisor.

At the center is a shared responsibility for a coherent education plan that incorporates personal, social, academic and career considerations. Advising focuses on helping students identify life goals, acquire skills and attitudes that promote intellectual growth, and become academically successful.

Intended Outcomes of Academic Advising

Through advising, students will:

  • learn to frame questions about the future and seek information needed to formulate answers. As a result, they will practice decision-making strategies and self-leadership skills that they will use throughout their lives.
  • be able to put the college experience into perspective, especially with regard to understanding the value of the learning process, whether it is independent or collaborative.
  • experience stimulation of and support for their quests for an enriched quality of life. They will be encouraged to utilize unique opportunities to structure their college experiences so as to maximize their abilities to lead their lives as they decide.

Developmental Advising Hierarchy

Comprehensive academic advising shall follow the developmental advising hierarchy, defined as:

  • exploration of life goals, values, abilities, interests, limitations
  • exploration of vocational/career goals
  • selection and design of academic major or program of study
  • selection of courses
  • scheduling classes