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Sam with Honduran scholars!

Sam says:


Everything just keeps getting better and better here in Honduras with every opportunity that comes. IT was incredible driving up into the mountains and doing some hiking. It was definitely worth every bit of sunburn that was inescapable today. The best feeling was hearing a Honduran man say, “God bless you” to all of us working at the mural site. Everyone is so excited to have us here in their country and watch what we’ve been doing. We finished the mural and I couldn’t be more proud of the work we did. It’s been the most humbling experience being here and working with OYE and all of the people that are a part of it. The friendships are priceless and the memories are truly endless.

Sending love back home,



Katie and the soccer players!

Katie says:

Hi Everyone!

Well the trip is about half over and I don’t want it to end! I can’t wait to share all of my experiences, memories, and stories with everyone when I get back. Today we went up into the mountains and it was like nothing I have ever seen. The view and fresh air was very refreshing. We were able to kick the soccer ball around on top of this mountain with a group of little boy- niños! I can’t wait for what the rest of the week has for us.


P.S This shout out goes to all y family and friends keeping up-to-date on my travels- love and miss you all!


Annie with the girls!

Annie says:

Midweek already. It’s so sad. I’m not ready to come back to Wisconsin yet. There’s still so many lives I want to change and so many things to learn. Today we went up to the mountains. It took 45 minutes from bottom up to a scholar’s house. It was very eye opening. It opened my eyes to se much things I take for granted; for example school. Our OYE scholar walks top to borrow and vice versa just for school. That’s four hours total. As for me, for a ten minute walk to campus I should not complain. I shouldn’t complain for any walk actually. It’s amazing how much hope everyone here has. I learned a lot today.


P.S Shout out to WI: I don’t miss you at all yet! I do miss you family, friends, and Charlee 🙂



Stephanie and the soccer boys!

Stephanie says:

Wow! Best. Day. EVER! But honestly, this really was the greatest day in Honduras so far. The mountains were gorgeous. The little boys we played soccer with were hilarious! The questions they asked us were great! It was really hard to leave. I also exchanged one of my shirts with the scholar Claudia. She is such a sweetheart and it has been great getting to know her. Lastly, who can forget the coconut water to end the day. I am so glad I decided to come here. I am learning so much and having a great time! The next two days are going to fly by!


P.S: My shout out goes specifically to my Mom and Grandma. Thank you so much for the notes we got surprised with today! Your words of encouragement mean so much to me! I love you both!