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Hola Amigos,

Today the team had a long eventful day. We had our first encounters with the nutrition center, the place where we are doing our service projects, and divided up into groups based on two separate tasks. Half of us are going out in the community and providing information and medication to the families who are in need of medical attention. This group working all day buildingimage a trifold and other information to present to the residents of El Progreso, in a colorful and positive way. The other half of our group spent a good amount of time outside, preparing the front of the nutrition center to be painted, by cleaniimageng, sanding, and priming the wall,gate that encloses the center. Everyone is very excited to show our finished product of the mural that we will be helping to create on the front entrance of the nutrition center, but there is still a lot of work to do!image

Along with our first day of service, we met a lot of animal friends, and experienced a cohabitance with dogs and cats in a way we are not used to back at home. We ended our day with a delicious meal at Claudia’s, one of the OYE scholars, and a dip in the pool back at the hotel. All in all, the day was eventful, exhausting, but positive and memorable to say the least!