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Day six in Honduras has taken us to new heights! We traveled for an hour and a half in the back of a pick up truck, up a mountain in the rain through the rainforest. Unfortunately we hit some really slippery spots covered in clay and rain, and had to get out and walk some way in order to get the truck up the mountain. It was an amazing experience, and once we reached the top, we were greeting by the family of an OYE scholar. The scholar’s father took us for a hike through the forest and introduced us to his coffee farm. The farm was on the side of the mountain, shaded by huge trees included Mahagony.   

 (Walking up the mountain)

We learned about the current struggle farmers are facing due to the invasive fungus that has significantly reduced the yield of coffee beans that are normally harvested. Even though these people are faced with these challenges, they still managed to provide us with a delicious meals and smiles throughout the misty day. The top of the mountain was full of fog, and while we didn’t get the typical immaculate view of the valley we still got a unique image of the mountain on a rainy and misty day. 

To finish off the day, we returned to our service site to say our final goodbyes me and take some photos with the kids one last time. The mural on the building makes it look so much more kid friendly and provided the building with a sense of identity and uniqueness.  

   We only have one more day no while we are excited to be home we are so incredibly sad to leave the people we have gotten close to this week.