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Today marks day 6 In New York! Only two days left till we are back in Wisconsin! Today at GMHC we started off the day doing file intake while a few of our members had the amazing opportunity to go get tested at the GMHC testing center. Once we were done with file intake we headed over to serve lunch again to the clients. It was amazing to see how thankful everyone was and to see how some of the clients remembered us from Tuesday! During lunch the next group went off to get tested. Once we were all together again we spent the rest of our time putting together sex kits for women that will be given out during the AIDS walk coming up soon! After we left GMHC we took the subway over to China town to the Chinese museum. Once we left the museum we went to Cozy’s Soups and Burgers for dinner. Everyone found a dish that they enjoyed and then we went to Big Gay Ice cream for dessert. Overall today was great! Time to soak up New York with the two days we have left!