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Registration Procedures


There are several categories for graduate students not seeking a degree. Non-degree students must have earned a baccalaureate or master’s degree from a regionally accredited institution.

Certificate/Achievement Program Student

Accepted into a Graduate Achievement or Certificate program. The number of credits in which the student enrolls will vary by program. A student may also be admitted to a degree program simultaneously.

Special Student

Enrolled for up to 12 graduate credits without being admitted to a degree program. No more than 12 prior credits earned as a Graduate Special student at UW Oshkosh, or no more than nine credits earned at another institution may later apply to UW Oshkosh graduate degree requirements. If the student does not intend to enroll in a degree program and/or wishes to enroll for more than 12 graduate credits, a student will be classified as non-degree seeking.

Non-Degree Student

Completed 12 credits as a Special Student, or has earned a master’s degree at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh or elsewhere, is admitted in full standing to a graduate program at another institution and taking coursework at UW Oshkosh with the intent of transferring the credits to their home institution, or has requested this classification to continue graduate course work but does not intend to earn a degree. Credits earned in this category may not apply to a degree.


  1. TitanWeb registration is the primary method to register for classes ( Log in to access the system and use the tutorials (Help & Guides, Student Help), FAQs, and other instructions to learn how to utilize this registration system. For questions, this TitanWeb Help for Students page is helpful: When needed, registration forms are available from the Graduate Studies Office, Dempsey Hall 345, (920) 424-1223,, or the Graduate Studies website: Completed registration forms can be mailed, scanned and e-mailed, or dropped-off for processing.
  2. Some students are required to have department or instructor approval on the registration form/add card to enroll. Generally, approval is obtained from the graduate program coordinator (adviser). Courses, such as dissertation, thesis, field projects, field reports, clinical papers, capstone, independent study, and comprehensive examinations also require the Director of Graduate Services approval.

Dissertation, thesis, clinical paper, field project, capstone, and field report registration are open only to students who have an approved proposal on file with the Graduate Studies Office and have been admitted to candidacy. Independent study registration requires the filing of an Independent Study Contract form and proposal. Registration into a course as mentioned above requires the approval of the Director of Graduate Services.

Some students may be required to obtain permission from the Director of Graduate Services to register. Among those are persons who have not satisfied conditions specified at the time of the original admission or enrollment, and those who have specific restrictions associated with a probationary and/or readmission status. Other registration holds may include non-payment of fees, overloads, etc.


The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh faculty and academic staff members may enroll in graduate courses for credits or audit and follow the standard University registration procedures.

Members of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh faculty and instructional academic staff cannot be admitted to graduate degree programs offered by the department or division related to their teaching appointment. This policy is only intended to prohibit the earning of a UW Oshkosh master’s degree within a given department where there may be a conflict of interest between the student and instruction and is not intended to discourage the professional development of the UW Oshkosh faculty and instructional academic staff. The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh faculty and instructional academic staff members may apply to graduate programs outside of the areas of their teaching assignments and will follow the admissions procedures the same as any non-employee degree‑seeking students.


A student may add courses according to the Add/Drop calendar as maintained by the Registrar’s Office ( This calendar is available every semester for which registration is available. Additionally, the Registrar’s Add/Drop calendar website contains other important information and pertinent to adding a course in a given semester. It is a student’s responsibility to know and adhere to the information and deadlines associated with the Add/Drop calendar.

A student wanting to add courses after the deadlines “with course instructor signature required” must complete an Appeal For Late Add Form ( describing relevant extenuating circumstances. This form is available through the Registrar’s Office website ( and must be approved by the Director of Graduate Services before any course can be added. The above add guidelines also apply to a dissertation, thesis, clinical paper, field project, capstone, field report, or independent study.


A student may drop courses according to the Add/Drop calendar as maintained by the Registrar’s Office ( This calendar is available every semester for which a course may be dropped. Additionally, the Registrar’s Add/Drop calendar website contains other important information pertinent to dropping a course in a given semester. It is a student’s responsibility to know and adhere to the information and deadlines associated with the Add/Drop calendar.

A student wanting to drop a course(s) but not ALL courses before the semester or within the semester deadlines may do so through their TitanWeb account. Course drops before the semester will not be reflected on the student’s transcript. Course drops processed after the deadline will result in a “W” designation on the transcript. After the deadlines, a student must complete an Appeal For Late Drop Form ( describing relevant extenuating circumstances. This form must be approved by the Director of Graduate Services. The above drop guidelines also apply to a dissertation, thesis, clinical paper, field project, capstone, field report, or independent study.

Some course drops approved through the late drop appeal procedure before summer 1999 may be reflected with a “W” (withdrawal) on the student’s transcript.

*Drop dates on the Add/Drop calendar DO NOT MATCH the drop dates to receive a tuition refund. For information regarding refund deadlines, please visit the Student Financial Services website ( or contact them via email at


The above drop/withdrawal guidelines also apply to a dissertation, thesis, field project, field report, capstone, clinical paper, and independent study. The drop policy also pertains to changes from credit to audit.


Withdrawal is a complete severance of either course attendance and/or continuation in a graduate program. A request for withdrawal will be reviewed by the Graduate Studies Office. A request for withdrawal outside the withdrawal period requires both graduate program and Graduate Studies Office approval. A student may request a withdrawal after the first day of classes in any semester by completing the online withdrawal request ( during a withdrawal period. Consult the Registrar’s Add/Drop calendar ( for the withdrawal periods and other important and pertinent information.

Upon withdrawal, a designation of “W” is noted on the student’s record. If the request is not approved, grades will be placed on the student’s record as assigned by the instructor(s) by the end of the semester/term.

Note: Withdrawal does not remove the obligation for costs incurred by a student during a semester.