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Home » 2022-2024 Graduate Bulletin » Programs » Service Courses – Communication


Course Offerings

Communication    518 3 (crs.)
Intercultural Communication for Educators
This course explores how instructors of college-level public speaking courses may apply an intercultural framework when creating and teaching their courses. Students investigate theories and concepts of intercultural communication, applying these theories and concepts to create lessons, assignments, assessment measures, and a classroom context that acknowledges the mutually constitutive nature of culture and communication.
Communication    537 3 (crs.)
Foundations of Speech Communication Theory
A chronological survey of the major rhetorical treaties of Greece and Rome.  A concentration on the rhetorical doctrines of Isocrates, Plato, Aristotle, Longinus, Cicero, Quintilian.  Fundamental to all subsequent rhetorical theory.  337/537
Communication    576 3 (crs.)
Special Topics in Communication Education
A graduate course in communication education not normally covered in the curriculum. The course may be repeated for up to nine credits with different content.
Communication    622 3 (crs.)
History of American Public Address
The course will consist of an analysis of congressional, religious, juridical, educational and industrial speakers and speeches.  422/622
Communication    627 3 (crs.)
Rhetorical  Criticism
Classical and modern criteria of speech criticism with emphasis on the description, analysis and evaluation of speech performance.  Prerequisite: Communication 111.  427/627
Communication    643 3 (crs.)
Organizational Communication
The course deals with the basic content of organizational communication: theory of communication, small groups, interpersonal communication, conflict, communication variables.  Attempts to draw the link between the theoretical perspective and the pragmatic application of the topic.  443/643