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Course Offerings

Economics    540 3 (crs.)
Economics of Sports
The purpose of this class is to familiarize students with basic economic concepts as they pertain to the economics of sports.  Students will explore selected aspects of the sports business and be able to evaluate analytical arguments based on economic models as they pertain to sports issues.  An emphasis will be placed on such topics as demand, cost, franchising, stadium attendance/finance, and labor markets.  Prerequisites: (ECON 201 or 209 and ECON 202 or 208, with a grade of C or better both courses) AND EITHER (Admitted Business majors; Admitted Econ Bus majors, Econ COLS majors & minors) OR (30 credits with no more than 21 credits of 300/400 level College of Business courses and 2.5 GPA) Special fees may apply.


Economics    521 3 (crs.)
Labor Economics
Analysis of the economy’s labor resource. Major topics include labor markets, economic security arrangements, the labor movement, and collective bargaining. Prerequisite: Economics 206, 208 or consent of instructor. 321/521
Economics    539 3 (crs.)
Urban and Regional Economics and Policy
Location theory of economic activities; economics of urban places and regions; analysis of urban-regional problems and policies. Prerequisite: Economics 206 or 208, and Economics 204 or 209, or consent of instructor. 339/539
Economics    568 3 (crs.)
Health Care Economics
A study of the economic structure and problems of health care in the United States. Emphasis on the delivery and pricing of health care and the development of programs to deal with the present ‘Health Care Crisis.’  Prerequisite: Economics 206, 208 or consent of instructor. 368/568
Economics    603 3 (crs.)
Public Sector Economics
Economics of federal, state and local governments; analysis of the effects of expenditures, taxes and subsidies; intergovernmental fiscal relations; efficiency and decision-making in the public sector. Prerequisite: Economics 206 or 208 and Economics 204 or 209 with a grade of ‘C’ or above or consent of instructor. 403/603
Economics    637 1 – 3 (crs.)
Economic Education Workshop
A review of micro and macro economic principles and their application to current issues taught in part through the use of teaching strategies and curriculum materials developed for elementary and secondary teachers. Participants will develop learning outcome objectives, curriculum plans, and evaluation procedures appropriate for teaching economics at their grade level. 437/637
Economics    671 3 (crs.)
Introduction to Mathematical Economics
The application of mathematical tools to economics with emphasis on the description and use of the tools; optimization under both certainty and uncertainty, decision making, model building and estimation. Prerequisite: Economics 206 or 208 and Economics 204 or 209 with a grade of C or better. 471/671
Economics    673 3 (crs.)
Econometric Methods
An introduction to the statistical regression techniques widely used by researchers in Economics and Business Finance. Single and multiple regressing of time-series and cross sectional data. Prerequisite: Economics 206 or 208 and Economics 204 or 209, Economics 210 with grade of C or better. 473/673
Economics    704 1.5 (crs.)
Managerial Economics
An intense theoretical analysis of the market economy for managers and executives. The course is composed of managerial economics, including the market system, consumer theory, theory of the firm, market structure, and distribution theory.
Economics    757 1 – 3 (crs.)
Special Topics in Economic Education
This course examines specific topics of interest of faculty and K-12 teachers who are teaching economics in their classroom. The course may be repeated for credit only if the content if different. Each time it is offered, the topic will be announced in the Timetable and informational brochures. Prerequisite: Economics 637 or equivalent or consent of instructor.
Economics    796 3 (crs.)
Independent Study
See Independent Study under Course and Academic Advisement Policies information for general course description, general prerequisites, and proper contract form requirements.  Prerequisites: Economics 206 or 208 and Economics 204 or 209 with a grade of C or better and completion of core course for a major or minor in economics and consent of department chair.