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Educational Foundations Service Courses

Educational Foundations    543 3 (crs.)
The Adult Learner
The biological, psychological, and social characteristics of the adult learner, including middle aged persons as well as those in later life. The intellectual abilities adults possess will be examined with specific references to educational processes. Prerequisite: Educational Foundations 230, 235, 240, 377 or equivalent. 343/543
Educational Foundations    550 3 (crs.)
Adolescent Psychology
A study of pre-adolescence and adolescence as a psycho-socio-cultural phenomenon. Emphasis will be placed upon the basic conflicts and adjustment patterns of adolescents. Contemporary interests and problems of pre-adolescents and adolescents in school situations will be stressed. Prerequisite: Advanced standing including Psychology 201.  350/550
Educational Foundations    702 3 (crs.)
Statistical Foundations in Education
Descriptive statistical techniques, including measures of central tendency, variability, normal curve, percentile ranks, and standard scores. Correlational techniques, parametric and nonparametric statistical tests. Emphasis on school related research problems. Prerequisite: Educational Foundations 310 or equivalent.
Educational Foundations    704 3 (crs.)
Psychological Foundations of Education
A psychological basis for the study of human abilities and learning. Research evidence along with empirical findings is provided to relate theoretical principle to classroom practices. Individual difference, motivation, retention and transfer, and evaluation and their implications to teaching.
Educational Foundations    705 2 – 3 (crs.)
Child Psychology
Growth of children from birth to adolescence. Emphasizes the child as a whole being, with major divisions dealing with physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development. Prerequisite: Psychology 201.
Educational Foundations    707 2 (crs.)
Classroom Research
This course provides an introduction to research methods in education, with a focus on action research. Action research, also referred to as classroom research, is a method of investigation used by teachers when attempting to solve classroom problems and improve professional practices. The class will take place online, consisting of readings, discussions, and a variety of learning activities. Assignments and readings only partially overlap; you are responsible for all material provided whether assigned readings in your text or online (e.g., within D2L, iTunes, etc), A culminating project is a major part of the course. It is where you apply the knowledge
Educational Foundations    713 3 (crs.)
Principles of Appraisal and Evaluation in Education
The construction, and administration, and interpretation of diagnostic and other evaluative devices in the educational setting. Special attention given to recent philosophical orientations toward the utilization of measurement data for evaluative purposes. Prerequisite: Educational Foundations 310 or consent of instructor.
Educational Foundations    760 2 (crs.)
Learning Theory and Educational Practice
Oriented primarily toward learning theory and secondarily to applying this theory to practical educational problems. Designed as a specific 2-credit core course to which the student can add 1 credit modules. The core course will stress the understanding of theory, while the modules will stress applications of theory.
Educational Foundations    761 1 (crs.)
Learning Theory for Discipline and Classroom Management
What various authorities have to say about fostering desirable and preventing undesirable behavior in the classroom. A 1-credit module designed to accompany Education Foundations 760.
Educational Foundations    762 3 (crs.)
Piaget: Theory and Application
A study of the learning theory of Jean Piaget and its application to the classroom.
Educational Foundations    770 3 (crs.)
Foundations of Educational Research
Introduction to the concepts, tools and procedures which are essential for planning and conducting research in education and related fields. Preparing a research proposal and organization of a research report. Emphasis is given to the interpretation and analysis of research literature from the behavioral and social sciences.
Educational Foundations    794 1 – 3 (crs.)
Special Topics in Educational Foundations
A special topics course of current interest for students with specific interest or background in educational foundations. May be repeated under different topics, but only 3 credits may be applied toward a degree.
Educational Foundations    796 1 – 3 (crs.)
Independent Study
Because there is no graduate program in Educational Foundations, Independent Study in this area must be undertaken with the approval of a department offering a graduate program, but under the direction of a member of the Educational Foundations staff. Prerequisite: Independent Study Topic and Instructor Approval Form must be completed prior to registration.