Supercharge Learning: Increase Engagement with Feedback Fruits

Join us for a transformative session showcasing the impact of Feedback Fruits Suite in online and on campus coursework. With an intuitive interface that eliminates confusion and facilitates participation, this session promises to redefine your teaching approach. Discover why 100% of UWO students that responded to the pilot survey recommend this tool to other instructors, a testament to its effectiveness.

The session will highlight 3 of the most requested tools for use on campus.

  • Interactive Document/Video enhances social learning and engagement by enabling students to answer instructor questions, pose their own questions and participate in a rich discussion directly in an article or video.
  • Interactive Presentation seamlessly integrates polling into lectures, fostering student participation and creating quick check opportunities for enhanced interaction.
  • Peer Review transforms the seemingly straightforward act of reading a peer’s writing into a rich and meaningful learning experience.


  • John Bellotti, College of Business
  • Sarah Bradway, CETL
  • Jillayne Halverson, Accounting
  • Chen Li, Marketing
  • Jennifer Mihalick, Chemistry


Additional Resources