Emergency Services

Need support now?

We care about you, and want you to get connected to the support you need.

Same day appointments are available Monday-Friday, during office hours for those experiencing any of the following:

  • thoughts of ending your life
  • thoughts of harm to self or others
  • a recent loss
  • a recent trauma

*If you feel you are in crisis, and it’s during office hours, please stop by or call the Counseling Center and our staff will work with you to get you needed support. 


 Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
(920) 424-2061


Oshkosh Campus
Fond du Lac Campus
Fox Cities Campus

Report a crime, harmful incident or unsafe situation

The most important thing you can do is get to a safe place.

If you believe there is immediate danger of severe injury or damage, CALL 911 or the UW Oshkosh police at Ext. 1212 before

Police Assistance

Contact the UWO Police Department (UWOPD).

They can assess the situation and dispatch appropriate personnel including paramedics, fire department and law enforcement.

CALL (920) 424-1212.

After Hours Emergency Support

Should a crisis occur after hours, please utilize the following emergency resources:

Dean of Students Office

The Dean of Students Office supports students of UW Oshkosh through advocacy, care, guidance, and support.

(920) 424-3100

Student Health Center

The Student Health Center is a free and confidential health service for students. Like the Counseling Center, students will be seen immediately if they are feeling unsafe. The Health Center is located in Radford Hall.
(920) 424-2424 


Title IX (Sexual Violence)

If you have experienced sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual exploitation or stalking please know there are confidential and non-confidential resources to help support you.

The Office of Equal Opportunity & Access provides oversight of Title IX investigations. Utilize the Title IX website to report a sexual violence incident, find more information, and check listings of on-campus and off-campus resources.  (920) 424-2296

Get Started Today!


Schedule an appointment
 Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

Oshkosh Campus
Student Success Center
Suite 240
Fond du Lac | Fox Cities


Self-help and well-being platform that delivers tips and tools for students to find balance for during the semester.
Access your account with your NETID

Mantra Health

Teletherapy and Telepsychiatry support for students throughout the day, evenings and weekends. Signup or Login


After hours | UW Mental Health Support 24/7

CALL (920) 424-2061, option 2
  CALL or TEXT 1-888-531-2142
CHAT with a counselor
National suicide and crisis lifeline: CALL or   TEXT 988
Connect with Winnebago County Crisis Mental Health at (920) 233-7707