Do you have a project you’re proud of?

The English Undergraduate Symposium celebrates excellence in all aspects of undergraduate work in English. Whether it’s an essay, a creative work, or an artifact in another medium, consider submitting a short abstract describing your project to the English Club!

The Symposium will be held in Pollock House on Saturday, April 20th, 2019. Participating students will present their work in a 10-15 minute time slot to a supportive community made up of undergraduate peers, graduate students, professors, and friends, and gain valuable experience that will help prepare them for future academic conferences and work presentations.

In participation with Dr. Pascale Manning, the English Club will host an informal abstract writing workshop from 3pm-4pm on February 12 in Radford Hall 320.

Please submit abstracts of up to 250 words to by Friday March 1, 2019.