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Financial Services

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Phone: (920) 424-3990
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Procurement Credit Card

The purpose of the UW Oshkosh Procurement Credit Card Program is to establish an efficient cost-effective method of purchasing and paying for small dollar transactions (under $3,000) within established guidelines. The program is designed to replace low dollar, best judgement and blanket purchase orders.


Purchasing Card Policy

All U.S. Bank Statements/Purchasing Card Logs must be reviewed and signed by cardholders and supervisors within one month after the Statement Date. Once reviewed and  signed, the U.S. Bank Statements/Purchasing Card Logs should be retained by the cardholders.

Reminder: The Purchasing Card billing cycle is biweekly. At the end of each billing cycle, each cardholder will receive a U.S. Bank Statement in the mail, provided at least one purchase has been made during the billing cycle.


State of Wisconsin Ineligible Vendor Listing

Please check both of the listings below before committing to any purchase, including P-card purchases.

The vendors on these lists cannot be used by any State of Wisconsin Agency, including UW Oshkosh.  If a department suggests one of these vendors, Purchasing Services will contact the department to obtain additional information in order to select an appropriate eligible vendor.

  1. The Wisconsin Office of Contract Compliance Ineligible Vendor Directory lists vendors that remain ineligible based on their failure to satisfy S.16.765, Wis. Stats. (requirement of Affirmative Action in employment for vendors doing business with the State of Wisconsin) and is updated weekly.
  2. The Certification for Collection of Sales and Use Tax Ineligible Vendor Directory lists vendors determined to be ineligible by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue for non-compliance with tax law listed in s.77.66, Wis. Stats.

For more information and frequently asked questions, please see the State of Wisconsin’s Certification for Collection of Sales and Use Tax page.

Please contact our Purchasing Card Administrator with any questions at