
UWO Foundation

Culver Family Welcome Center
625 Pearl Ave.
Oshkosh, WI 54901

(920) 424-2178

Scholarships at UW Oshkosh

Scholarships enable UW Oshkosh colleges, departments and programs to assist students with tuition and other college expenses according to donor stipulations. Scholarships help attract the best students to UW Oshkosh and assist those in need of financial support. While at UW Oshkosh, these students develop knowledge and skills that lead to careers and futures they might never have had.

Endowed Scholarships

Donors establish endowed scholarship funds to ensure students will benefit from their generosity for generations to come. Because the endowment principal is never spent, these funds provide a lasting legacy for donors, who may play an integral role in determining scholarship criteria to ensure that their intentions are continually honored.

The principal of endowed scholarship funds is conserved perpetually, with only the earnings used to finance the awards. The Foundation Board of Directors annually sets a recommended spending level for endowed funds, based on investment performance. Endowed funds are assessed an annual administrative fee of 2.5 percent. The minimum contribution to endow a fund is $25,000 and donors may take up to four years to reach that level.

Non-Endowed Scholarships

These scholarships are funded through annual contributions or by creating a restricted fund. The entire balance of these funds is available for scholarship awards. These funds do not require a minimum balance, do not earn interest and are not subject to an annual administrative fee.

Download our Scholarship Brochure for more information.


Additional Scholarship Information

Establishing Criteria

Scholarship criteria may be determined by the donor. However, it is important that the criteria are not so narrow that it is difficult to find applicants who qualify. Donors may choose from many different approaches in defining the students who are eligible for their scholarships.

Recipients may be selected based upon:

  • college (Nursing, Education and Human Services, Business, Letters and Science)
  • major (chemistry, art, geography, accounting, etc.)
  • year of study or number of credits earned to date
  • graduate and/or undergraduate students
  • part-time and/or full-time
  • grade-point average (in all courses and/or those related to a particular major)
  • financial need (required, not required, or of secondary consideration only)
  • extracurricular activities, such as honor societies and student organizations.

Note: NCAA Division III regulations prohibit awarding scholarships based upon participation in athletics.

Some scholarships have unique criteria of special interest to their donors. Awards may be limited to those students graduating from a certain high school or residing in a particular community. Other scholarships are offered to single parents or students who perform volunteer work. Scholarships may recognize specific qualities embodied by recipients, including academic excellence, artistic creativity, leadership, self-reliance and tradition.

Individuals who establish a scholarship through a bequest to the UW Oshkosh Foundation are advised to set up criteria for the scholarship in advance by working with the Foundation staff. This will ensure that the funds will be used according to the donor’s wishes.

How Students Apply

Scholarships are posted, applied for and selected through Academic Works.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who selects the scholarship recipients?

A selection committee is composed of individuals from the department or area of study for which the scholarship is awarded. When scholarships are not defined on the basis of major or college, representatives from the Admissions, Dean of Students, Foundation, or Financial Aid Offices often play a part in selecting award winners.

How are the scholarships awarded?

Scholarships are applied to the recipient’s student account at UW Oshkosh, towards an upcoming semester’s expenses. Large monetary awards are often split, with half of the amount awarded each semester.

How do I know that my wishes will be followed?

Once a donor selects criteria for a scholarship, a draft of the criteria statement is prepared for the donor’s approval. A brief statement is often incorporated into the criteria statement, describing the motivation of the donor in establishing the scholarship or recognizing the individuals in whose honor or memory the scholarship is being established. The donor is free to add, delete or modify criteria until the statement is completed. The donor and the Foundation chairman sign copies of the final agreement and a copy is returned to the donor. The Foundation must follow the guidelines established in the document in future administration of the scholarship. Scholarship criteria may only be changed with the donor’s approval.

How are the scholarships publicized?

Scholarship information and applications are posted in Academic Works, an online scholarship system that makes the process of learning about and applying for scholarships simple and efficient for students.

Need more information?

Please contact:

Lori Kroening, Senior Development Specialist
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Advancement Office
625 Pearl Ave
Oshkosh, WI 54901-3556
(920) 424-2228