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Spring 2021 Honors Registration has begun!


Honors Seniors (90+ credits) Monday, October 19

Honors Juniors (60+ credits) Tuesday, October 20

Honors Sophomores (30+ credits) Wednesday, October 21

Honors Freshmen (0-29 credits) Thursday, October 22


Your date and time are available on Titan Web, and HERE  you’ll find a listing of Spring 2021 Honors classes.

Should I make an Honors Advising appointment? You must meet with Liz for advising if 1) this is your first or second semester in The Honors College OR 2) you still have at least one Honors Elective to complete.

Registration holds are placed on anyone who has not been completing their Honors requirements in a timely manner. Please contact Liz Taylor ( if you’re unsure of your Honors (active/inactive) status.

Sign up for an Honors Advising appointment here. Times that are blacked out are unavailable. Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the schedule sheet to see more days. Meetings are scheduled for ten minutes. Please email Liz if you need to meet at a time other than what you see on the schedule.

Given the current circumstances, Honors advising is taking place online via Microsoft Teams. Liz will call you on Microsoft Teams at your scheduled advising time. You have access to Teams through your Outlook account. For help with Teams, look here.  Alternatively, Liz can call you. Simply type PHONE after your name on her schedule; she’ll use the number listed as your preferred contact on Titan Web.

Waiting lists for Honors courses: Finally, if you find an Honors class to be full, please email Liz ( or Julie ( so we can add you to a waiting list. Please include your name, ID, and course specifics. When a seat becomes available, the student is contacted and added according to the sequence they appear on the waiting list. We monitor the rosters daily, and the chances are usually good that you will eventually be added to the class.