Advisory Committee

The IT Advisory Committee (ITAC) is a formal committee defined in policy.  It consists of a broad Advisory Committee of stakeholders and a smaller Steering Committee, each with defined roles and responsibilities.

The charge to ITAC is to:

  • Inform IT leadership of needs, concerns, and priorities.
  • Advise IT leadership on institutional issues involving IT.
  • Assure transparency of process.
  • Assure relevant input from shared governance and constituents across campus.
  • Monitor the balanced scorecard metrics to evaluate and advise IT on institutional performance.
  • Provide communication channel between IT and constituents.

About IT Advisory Committee


A large group of stakeholders, specifically formed and convened by the Steering committee.  Membership includes:

  1. Assigned:  Two members from Faculty Senate
    1. John Mayrose
    2. Evan Williams
  2. Assigned:  Two members from Academic Staff Senate
    1. Sarah Bradway
  3. Assigned:  Two members from University Staff Senate
    1. Ricky Johnson
    2. Jessica Kleier
  4. Assigned:  One member from the Oshkosh Student Association (serves on Steering Committee)
    1. Mai Nou Yang
  5. Assigned:  One member from UW Fond du Lac
    1. Rhonda Stucky
  6. Assigned:  Two members from UW Fox Valley
    1. Evelyn Li
    2. Kris Kissling
  7. Academic Affairs
    1. Jenna Graff
    2. Sally Masters (Academic Advising)
  8. Academic Support and Inclusive Excellence
    1. Jason Herman
  9. Finance and Administration
  10. Admissions
    1. Paul Gedlinske
  11. Advancement
  12. Athletics
    1. Victoria Stimac
  13. Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
    1. Jennifer Hendryx
  14. College of Business
    1. Andy Miller (nominated by J. Ben Arbaugh)
    2. Jakob Iversen
  15. College of Education and Human Services
    1. Glady Van Harpen
    2. Nari Kim
  16. COLS:  Social Sciences
    1. Mike Jasinski
    2. Jason Kalmbach
  17. COLS:  Math/Science
    1. Jason Belnap
    2. Samara Hamze
    3. Craig Biwer
  18. COLS:  Humanities
    1. Andy Radig
    2. David Gilboa
    3. Andrew Smock
    4. Kristine Nicolini
  19. COLS:  Fine & Performing Arts
  20. College of Nursing
    1. Patricia Treleven (volunteered and also nominated by Judy Westphal)
  21. Cooperative Academic Partnership Program
    1. Sarah Adelson
  22. Dean of Students
    1. John Palmer
  23. Facilities Management
  24. Graduate Studies
    1. Greg Wypiszynski
    2. Connie Schuster
  25. Honors College
    1. Julie Russo
  26. Human Resources
    1. Shawna Kuether
  27. Information Technology
    1. Michael VanVonderen
  28. Institutional Research
    1. Samantha Surowiec
  29. Library
    1. David Hietpas
  30. Online and Continuing Education
    1. Margie Carlson
  31. Reeve Union
    1. Matt Suwalski
  32. Registrar’s Office
    1. Jennifer Bonack
    2. Lisa Danielson
    3. Julia Bodette
    4. Joshua Becken
  33. Residence Life
  34. Sponsored Programs
  35. Student Affairs
    1. Chrissy Lambie
    2. Michelle Lamb
  36. University Marketing and Communication
    1. Jenni Monroe
  37. University Police Department


  •  Two-way information dissemination.
  • Receive updates on current or upcoming initiatives, issues, priorities, and conflicting requirements.
  • Provide input on current or upcoming initiatives, issues, priorities, and conflicting requirements.
  • Disseminate information to constituencies.


  • Meets quarterly
  • Agenda called and created by steering committee
  • Topics brought by stakeholders, steering committee, or IT leaders
  • Common topics include feedback from constituents on issues of concern, advisement on anticipated IT requirements such as policy changes, discussion of recommendations for needed improvements, review of the investment portfolio, discussion of best practices and implementations, and topics of interest

About IT Steering Committee

The steering committee is primarily responsible for working with the CIO and IT representatives to resolve problems and manage the advisory process.


Membership shall be staggered two-year terms.

  1. Two voting members appointed by Faculty Senate
    1. John Mayrose
    2. Evan Williams
  2. Two voting members appointed by Senate of Academic Staff
    1. Sarah Bradway
    2. Samantha Surowiec
  3. Two voting members appointed by University Staff Senate
    1. Ricky Johnson
    2. Jessica Kleier
  4. One voting member appointed by Oshkosh Student Association
    1. Vacant
  5. Two voting members appointed by UW Fox Valley
    1. Evelyn Li
    2. Kris Kissling
  6. One voting member appointed by UW Fond du Lac
    1. Rhonda Stucky
  7. Non-voting attendees include the CIO, IT Directors, and IT staff as needed
  8. Chaired by voting member, who will be elected by voting members.
    1. Samantha Surowiec


    • Working meetings with action assignments
    • Gather and inform IT of needs and requests from constituents
    • Provide input on issues, priorities, and conflicting requirements
    • Identify and monitor performance metrics and advise IT on needed improvements
    • Convene and chair advisory committee
    • Disseminate information to the advisory committee
    • Write annual evaluation report on IT performance
    • Hear and address issues of concern brought by individuals
    • Assist in the creation and vetting of Information Technology policies and procedures


    • Meets monthly
    • Agenda called by chair
    • Topics brought by voting members or CIO
    • Common topics include feedback from constituents on issues of concern, advisement on anticipated IT requirements such as policy changes, formative recommendations for needed improvements, review of the investment portfolio, discussion of best practices and implementations

History of IT Advisory Committee

As a recommendation from the Chancellor’s Study Group, IT was called to “Establish a stakeholder group with broad representation from directors and students and a process to periodically evaluate performance.” Members of the CSG IT Implementation team convened to initiate this plan, including: Anne Milkovich, Brandon Heise, Jakob Iversen, Karl Loewenstein, and Ricky Johnson.

The purpose of the new stakeholder group was to:

  • Inform IT leadership of needs, concerns, and priorities.
  • Advise IT leadership on institutional issues involving IT.
  • Assure transparency of process.
  • Assure relevant input from shared governance group on campus.
  • Monitor the balanced scorecard metrics to evaluate and advise IT on institutional performance.
  • Provide communication channel between IT and constituents.

As a result of the team’s efforts, the new IT Advisory Committee (ITAC) was designed and charged, consisting of a large committee with broad campus representation led by a smaller ITAC Steering Committee.

Meeting Minutes/Archives

Meeting Group2019/20 Meeting ScheduleMeeting Materials
Steering CommitteeOctober 3020191030 Meeting Notes
Steering CommitteeNovember 2020191120 Meeting Agenda
Steering CommitteeDecember 18
Steering CommitteeJanuary 22
Steering CommitteeFebruary 19
Steering CommitteeMarch 18
Steering CommitteeApril 22
Steering CommitteeMay 13
Meeting Group 2017/18 Meeting Schedule Meeting Materials
Steering Committee November 1 Notes_20171101
IT Advisory Committee November 27, 3 pm-4 pm, Reeve 227C Notes_20171127
Steering Committee December 6 Notes_20171206
Steering Committee January 3 Notes_20180103
Steering Committee February 1 Notes_20180201
IT Advisory Committee February 21, 3 pm-4 pm, Reeve 221 Notes_20180221
Steering Committee March 1 Notes_20180301
Steering Committee April 5 Notes_20180405
IT Advisory Committee April 11, 3 pm-4 pm, Sage 1235 Notes_20180411
Steering Committee May 3 Notes_20180503
Steering Committee July 24 Notes_20180724
Steering Committee August 21 Notes_20180821


Meeting Group 2018/19 Meeting Schedule Meeting Materials
Steering Committee October 1 Notes_20181001
Advisory Committee November 15
1:30pm – 2:30pm
Sage 1232
Steering Committee March 13 Notes_20190313
Steering Committee April 2 Notes_20190402
Advisory Committee April 17
3:00 pm-4:00 pm
Sage 1232
Steering Committee May 14 Notes_20190514