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nicolini-pic-163-pxKristine Nicolini, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Office: Sage 3481



Kristine Nicolini teaches within the AMP department as an associate professor in public relations. Nicolini completed her Ph.D. in communication at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, where her research focused on examining the cognitive, behavioral, and normative processes associated with navigating difficult conversations in both communication education and health communication. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations and Marketing and a Master of Arts in Mass Communication from Marquette University.

With professional experience in public relations, strategic marketing, and corporate communication, Nicolini has helped shape the marketing and strategic communication initiatives of Children’s Health System, Rockwell Automation, Bridgestone Firestone, Boys & Girls Club and St. Francis Xavier Educational System. Her professional experience encompasses agency, corporate, and non-profit environments.

In addition to her communication career, Nicolini has continuously sought out opportunities to share her knowledge with others. She has taught public relations, journalism, and communication courses for over 11 years at several accredited universities.

Nicolini has presented her research at conferences for the International Communication Association, National Communication Association and Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). She has also helped educators and organizations leverage strategic opportunities to increase brand awareness and public perception through her consulting work.

She teaches primarily upper division courses in the public relations and interactive web management. Her course list includes: Principles of Public Relations, Public Relations Techniques, Digital and Social Media Strategy, Planning and Management Case Studies in Public Relations, and Public Relations Campaigns.