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Safety of our Oshkosh campus community remains top priority as the semester gets into full swing. Work remaining on the Algoma Boulevard project includes concrete paving of the street, sidewalks, and parking bays.

To stay safe as construction vehicles continue to move in and out of the area, pedestrians should look both ways and cross Algoma only at the designated crosswalks. These crosswalks can be identified by the barricades, safety barrels, and caution tape across the street. The project area is not generally open for normal pedestrian, vehicle, or play vehicle traffic. Community members should not bike, skateboard, or walk down the newly paved road while this continues to be an active construction area.

Asphalt patches have been placed to increase accessibility and to make navigating across Algoma safer at the Dempsey Hall to Clow Hall crosswalk. The other pedestrian crosswalks remain in gravel.

To accommodate detoured traffic, High Avenue continues to temporarily accommodate two-way traffic.

Traffic will be restricted to one lane for one day during the week of Sept. 5 for the intersection of New York Avenue and Algoma.

Restoration and landscaping is expected to be completed in the area leading from Reeve Union to the Student Rec Center this week.

More information about the Algoma Boulevard Project also is available online. If would like to receive project updates from the city of Oshkosh, please send a blank email to

For questions regarding the construction, please call the city’s Engineering Division at (920) 236-5065.