The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Policy # [####]
Faculty Senate Committees (GOV 3)

Amended December 11, 2001
Amended April 9, 2002
Amended May 20, 2003
Amended April 5, 2005
Amended May 3, 2005
Amended March 13, 2012

Original Issuance Date: MMMM DD, YYYY
Last Revision Date: MMMM DD, YYYY
Next Review Date: MMMM DD, YYYY







GOV 3. Faculty Senate Committees

Amended December 11, 2001
Amended April 9, 2002
Amended May 20, 2003
Amended April 5, 2005
Amended May 3, 2005
Amended March 13, 2012

The following committees serve the University at large by studying particular areas of faculty concern and making recommendations to the administration through the Faculty Senate. These faculty standing committees, as distinct from ad hoc and departmental and divisional committees, are appointed by the Committee on Committees of the Faculty Senate from a list of volunteers compiled by questionnaire. Appointments are made annually, in the fall, on a three-year rotational basis–one third of each committee membership eligible for replacement or reappointment each year. The number of members staffing a committee varies in some cases as needs dictate.

GOV 3.1. Academic Policies Committee.

A. Responsibilities- The Academic Policies Committee, subject to Senate approval, will carry out the faculty’s responsibility for the academic policies and programs of the university. For more specific information, see the Faculty Senate Academic Policies Committee document approved by the Faculty Senate on March 1, 1994 (name changed – September 13, 1994) (Revised October 11, 1994).

B. Membership: The committee consists of thirteen (13) members: seven (7) faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate (to ensure that all three Professional Colleges and all four divisions of COLS are represented); one (1) Director of the University Studies Program; one (1) academic staff appointed by the Senate of Academic Staff; one (1) Director of the First Year Experience; one (1) Chair of the Faculty Senate Committee on Assessment of Student Learning (FSCASL); one (1) non-voting Provost Administrative Representative; and one (1) undergraduate student appointed by the Oshkosh Student Association. The seven (7) faculty members will serve three-year staggered terms so that the terms of all seven (7) do not end at the close of the same academic year. On first implementing staggered terms four (4) faculty will serve for two (2) years. The Director of the University Studies Program, the Director of the First Year Experience, the Chair of the FSCASL; and the Provost’s Administrative Representative will serve indefinite terms for the duration of their respective appointments. The student term will be for one (1) year. If a member does not attend meetings for a semester, that member’s position will be deemed vacant and filled as specified above.

C. Chair – The chair of the Academic Policies Committee will be elected by the Academic Policies Committee. The term will be for one year, renewable for a maximum of three years.

Gov 3.2. University Studies Committee

Charge – The University Studies Committee is responsible for the management, review, assessment, and approval of courses for the University Studies Program. In carrying out this general charge, the committee will periodically review university studies requirements and curriculum and will formulate and recommend any policy changes it deems appropriate. The committee will develop criteria for approving courses that satisfy University Studies requirements.

The University Studies Committee will participate in any University-wide process to assess, plan or change the University Studies Program. Any proposals concerning the University Studies Program originating outside of the University Studies Committee will be received and considered by the committee. The committee may hold hearings on the University Studies Program or on any proposals concerning it and may submit proposals to a faculty referendum.

All actions of the committee will be determined by a majority vote of the committee. All actions affecting the University Studies Program will be determined by recorded vote of the committee.

The committee will forward its recommendations directly to the Faculty Senate. As it deems appropriate, the committee may send its recommendations to other governance groups, such as the Chair of the Academic Policies Committee (APC), the University Registrar, the President of Faculty Senate, the Chair of the University Assessment committee and the Provost.

The Faculty Senate and/or the Academic Policies Committee may assign other tasks concerning the University Studies Program to the University Studies Committee.

Membership: The committee consists of thirteen (13) members: seven (7) faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate (to ensure that all three Professional Colleges and all four divisions of COLS are represented); one (1) Director of the University Studies Program; one (1) academic staff appointed by the Senate of Academic Staff; one (1) Director of the First Year Experience; one (1) Chair of the Faculty Senate Committee on Assessment of Student Learning (FSCASL); one (1) non-voting Provost Administrative Representative; and one (1) undergraduate student appointed by the Oshkosh Student Association. The seven (7) faculty members will serve three-year staggered terms so that the terms of all seven (7) do not end at the close of the same academic year. On first implementing staggered terms four (4) faculty will serve for two (2) years. The Director of the University Studies Program, the Director of the First Year Experience, the Chair of the FSCASL; and the Provost’s Administrative Representative will serve indefinite terms for the duration of their respective appointments. The student term will be for one (1) year. If a member does not attend meetings for a semester, that member’s position will be deemed vacant and filled as specified above.

Chair – The Chair of the University Studies Committee will be elected by the members of the committee at its first meeting in the new academic year. The Chair must be a faculty member. The Chair serves on Academic Policies Committee (APC) and may be on additional APC committees.

Reporting – The Chair of the University Studies Committee will forward a copy of the minutes of meetings to the President of the Faculty Senate.

GOV 3.3. Administrators Evaluation Committee.

A. Responsibilities – The committee will ensure faculty participation in the evaluation of administrators as specified in The Faculty Senate Constitution Article II Section 6. Specific procedures for providing participation in the evaluation of administrators above the Dean’s level will be recommended to the Faculty Senate. Further it will maintain and publish a schedule for evaluation of academic administrators at and above the Dean’s level and will recommend to the Senate changes in policies for the provision of faculty participation in the evaluation of administrators.

B. Membership – The committee will consist of seven (7) faculty members with rotating three- year terms. At least one member of the committee will be a member of the Faculty Senate. The Committee on Committees will recommend potential committee members with final appointments being made by the Faculty Senate.

C. Chair – The chair of the committee will be elected by the committee from among the members. The chair will serve a one-year term renewable by election for a maximum of three consecutive years. The chair is responsible for: facilitating committee meetings; conducting the election for chair in the Fall; and informing the Faculty Senate office of resignations of committee members and changes in the committee chair.

GOV 3.4. Faculty Senate Committee on Assessment of Student Learning (FSCASL).

A. Responsibilities – Coordinate assessment efforts including (but not limited to) assessment in verbal and quantitative areas; assessment of undergraduate major programs, assessment of graduate programs. Monitor assessment activity including publication of program goals in appropriate documents; integration of assessment into program review; connecting assessment to program improvement. Plan including the development of university assessment plan; the development of professional development opportunities related to assessment; and determining budget requirements and advocating budgetary support for assessment activities.

B. Membership – Twelve members. One faculty member (nominated by Committee on Committees and appointed by the Faculty Senate) from each of these constituencies: Fine and Performing Arts, Social Science, Math/Science, Humanities, Business Administration, Nursing, Education (total seven (7) members); one Faculty Senator appointed by the Senate to serve as liaison to the Senate; two students appointed by OSA; one member of instructional academic staff appointed by the Senate of Academic

C. Staff; one member appointed by the Provost and Vice Chancellor. The seven (7) faculty will serve three- year staggered terms. The Senate liaison term will be the same as the term as senator. Student terms will be decided by OSA. The academic staff term will be decided by the Senate of Academic Staff.
Chair – The Faculty Senate Executive Committee will select the chair from the membership. The term of chair shall be for one year. The chair may be reappointed up to three years.

GOV 3.5. Budget Committee.

A. Responsibilities – The Faculty Senate Budget Committee will gather and review information and provide advice and recommendations to the Faculty Senate on issues related to the budget.

B. Membership – The committee will have six (6) members with rotating three-year terms. At least one member of the committee will be a member of the Senate Executive Committee. The Committee on Committees will recommend potential committee members with final appointments being made by the Faculty Senate. No one may serve more than three consecutive terms on this committee.

C. Chair – The chair will be chosen by the members. The chair will serve a one-year term renewable by election for a maximum of three consecutive years. The chair is responsible for: facilitating committee meetings; conducting the election for chair in the Fall; and informing the Faculty Senate office of resignations of committee members and changes in the committee chair.

GOV 3.6. Compensation Committee.

A. Responsibilities – Members of the Faculty Senate Compensation Committee serve on the University Compensation Committee. The Faculty Senate Compensation Committee will provide advice and recommendations to the Faculty Senate on issues related to faculty compensation.

B. Membership – The committee will have eight (8) members with rotating three-year terms. At least one member of the committee will be a member of the Faculty Senate. The Committee on Committees will recommend potential committee members with final appointments being made by the Faculty Senate. No member may serve on this committee for more than three consecutive terms.

C. Chair – The chair of the committee will be elected by the committee from among the members. The chair will serve a one-year term renewable by election for a maximum of three consecutive years. The chair is responsible for: facilitating committee meetings; conducting the election for chair in the Fall; and informing the Faculty Senate office of resignations of committee members and changes in the committee chair.

GOV 3.7. Conference Committee.

A. Purpose – The purpose of the conference committee is to clarify and perhaps resolve differences in actions or decisions between the Senate of Academic Staff and Faculty Senate on issues deemed to have significant impact to these governance groups or the institution.

The use of a conference committee is guided by the principle that efficient shared governance is accomplished, in part, by the timely collaborative resolution of differing actions or decisions.

B. Procedure

1. When there is an action/decision upon which the Senates take differing positions, a representative from either Senate may request to form a conference committee. The request will be made to any member of the Senate’s executive committee.

2. The request would be posed to each executive committee of the Senates and they would decide if they wish to form a conference committee regarding the action/decision in question. This assumes the executive committees have the authority from their Senates to determine and form a conference committee if necessary.

3. Representation from each Senate on the conference committee shall be equal with each member of the committee having one equal vote. Each Senate reserves the right to have senator(s) in addition to or in replacement of any member(s) of its executive committee as deemed necessary for the conference committee to do its work.

4. Upon approval to form a conference committee, each Senate agrees to begin the process as quickly as possible to not delay generating a committee proposal.

5. The conference committee will be expected to meet and complete a proposal by the next regularly scheduled meeting of each Senate or within a reasonable time so as not to unnecessarily delay a vote on the proposal.

6. Each Senate will vote on the proposal of the conference committee. Each Senate has two options;

a. Vote to approve or not approve the proposal as presented by the conference committee.

b. Ask the conference committee for an amended proposal. The Senates may ask the conference committee only one time for an amendment. When the conference committee returns with an amended or the original proposal, each Senate will vote to approve or not approve.

7. The full senate vote after a. or b. above is final. If the conference committee proposal is not accepted, each Senate agrees to respect the other Senate’s differing action/decision.

All final votes will be forwarded to the appropriate party(ies) as required.

GOV 3.8. Faculty Advocacy Committee.

A. Responsibilities – The Faculty Advocacy Committee works to increase understanding of the work and value of University faculty in the community, among businesses, and with the media and government. The committee addresses issues of representation and perception of the faculty and advocates on different levels for the needs and concerns of the faculty, in support of and in collaboration with the Faculty Senate.

B. Membership – The committee will have at least seven (7) faculty members with rotating three-year terms. Membership will normally include when possible one representative from each major constituency and at least one member of the faculty senate.

C. Chair – The chair will be elected from among the members. The chair will serve a two-year term by election for a maximum of three consecutive terms.

GOV 3.9. Hearings Committee.

Membership and responsibilities of the Hearings Committee are specified in Chapter 9 of the Faculty Personnel Materials in this handbook. All tenured faculty members. Hearing Subcommittees are drawn from the committee.

GOV 3.10. Improvement of Instruction Committee.

A. Responsibilities – The Faculty Senate Improvement of Instruction Committee will recommend university policies on instruction to the Faculty Senate. In cooperation with unit faculty and appropriate university officers, the committee makes recommendations for implementation of improvement and evaluation of teaching. It will maintain communication with appropriate committees and with appropriate university officers and agencies for the purpose of regularly reviewing and making recommendations to the Faculty Senate about matters related to teaching; such matters will include but not be limited to course scheduling, the calendar, use of university facilities, space for instruction, textbook orders, availability of library, computer, and other technological resources for instruction.

B. Membership – The committee will have five (5) faculty members with rotating two-year terms. (At least one member of the committee will be a member of the Faculty Senate) and one Instructional Academic Staff member. The Faculty Senate Committee on Committees will recommend potential committee members with final appointments being made by the Faculty Senate. Academic Staff membership shall be determined by the Academic Staff Committee on Committees. No one may serve more than three consecutive terms on this committee.

C. Chair – The chair of the committee will be elected by the committee from among the members. The chair will serve a one-year term renewable by election for a maximum of three consecutive years. The chair is responsible for: facilitating committee meetings; conducting the election for chair in the Fall; and informing the Faculty Senate office of resignations of committee members and changes in the committee chair.

GOV 3.11. Nominations Committee.

The method of selection and the duties of the Nominations Committee are described in Article III, Sections 1 & 4 of the Faculty Constitution.

GOV 3.12. Personnel Policies Committee.

A. Responsibilities – The Personnel Policies Committee is responsible for recommending to the Faculty Senate changes in the personnel rules in order to both improve the quality of the university’s personnel management process and to assure that the rules conform with applicable university, system, state, and federal regulations. In addition the Personnel Policies Committee will provide interpretations of the rules in response to Faculty Senate requests.

B. Membership – The committee will consist of seven (7) faculty members with rotating three- year terms. No one may serve more than two consecutive terms on this committee. At least one member of the committee will be a member of the Faculty Senate. The Committee on Committees will recommend potential committee members with final appointments being made by the Faculty Senate. The Provost and Vice Chancellor will appoint an administrative representative as liaison to the committee.

C. Chair – The chair of the committee will be elected by the committee from among the members. The chair will serve a one-year term renewable by election for a maximum of three consecutive years. The chair is responsible for: facilitating committee meetings; conducting the election for chair in the Fall; and informing the Faculty Senate office of resignations of committee members and changes in the committee chair.