The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Policy # [####]
Honors College Bylaws

Original Issuance Date: MMMM DD, YYYY
Last Revision Date: MMMM DD, YYYY
Next Review Date: MMMM DD, YYYY







The Honors College of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Approval by The University Honors Council: April 8, 2017
Revisions approved by The University Honors Council: February 28, 2020
Approved by the Faculty Senate: May 22, 2020


Article I. Purpose

The purpose of these bylaws is to promote the growth and stability of The Honors College. These bylaws shall establish policies and procedures by which the University Honors Council shall exercise its responsibility to The Honors College.

Article 2. Authority

All actions and decisions of the College will be made in accordance with decisions of the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, established University Policies, the Faculty Constitution, and the bylaws of the Faculty Senate. Such actions and decisions take precedence over the University Honors Council bylaws or any other program decisions regarding its governance. These bylaws in turn take precedence over general parliamentary procedure. Insofar as it accords with Wisconsin State Law and Article VI of the Faculty Constitution, the most recent edition of Sturgis’s Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure will normally govern University Honors Council meetings.

Article III. Offices and Committees

3.1 The Director of The Honors College

3.1.1 Appointment and Term

The Director is appointed by the Provost/Vice Chancellor or his/her designee upon the recommendation of the University Honors Council. It is strongly preferred that the Director hold faculty status with tenure and have rank of at least Associate Professor; however, other persons with exceptional skills and qualifications may serve as director. Ordinarily, the Director shall assume office in June and serve for three years.

3.1.2 Responsibilities

While providing leadership in curricular and other programmatic matters, the Director shall also be responsible for discharging those provisions of the program bylaws, policies, and procedures established by the University Honors Council unless specifically prohibited by Article VI of the Faculty Constitution. The Director shall keep the Council informed about all matters of importance to it and shall bring to the attention of Council members their responsibility for the College’s governance as established by these bylaws. Further, the Director also shall be responsible for coordinating budgeting, marketing, scheduling, program evaluation and supervision of office staff. To be qualified, the Director shall have a terminal degree in his/her field and must have qualifications sufficient to teach in The Honors College. The Director shall be responsible for the day-to-day implementation of The Honors College policies.

3.1.3 Search

The Council shall recommend to the Provost/Vice Chancellor or his/her designee that a search for Director should be initiated, starting about ten months prior to the expiration of the current Director’s appointment. The search should contain an invitation to all qualified potential directors. However, the Council can instead choose to recommend to the Provost/Vice Chancellor or his/her designee reappointment of the Director without initiating a search. This recommendation of reappointment requires support from a minimum of two-thirds of voting Council members. Whenever a Director search is initiated, the existing Director may apply for reappointment.

3.1.4 Removal

The University Honors Council can request the removal of the Director for good and sufficient reasons by a vote of two-thirds majority of eligible voting members of the University Honors Council. The Provost/Vice Chancellor or his/her designee may request the Council to conduct such a vote. If the Director is serving as chair of the Council (see section 2.4), then the first faculty member on the roster of the University Honors Council would call such a meeting.

3.2 University Honors Council (the Council)

3.2.1 Membership

The University Honors Council shall consist of 15 members, including the following: Faculty or Academic Staff – 10

4 appointed by the continuing members of the Council from among qualified applicants who are approved to teach in The Honors College

4 appointed, one by each of the deans of COLS, CON, COEHS, and COB for confirmation by the Council

1 from the Undergraduate Advising Resource Center (UARC) nominated by the UARC Director and confirmed by the Council

1 from the Division of Academic Support for Inclusive Excellence (ASIE), nominated by the Associate Vice Chancellor for ASIE and confirmed by the Council Students – 2

Nominated by the University Honors Student Association and confirmed by the Council; Ex Officio – 3

Director of the Honors College

Assistant Director of The Honors College

Honors Advisor

3.2.2 Terms Faculty or Academic Staff

The usual term for faculty and academic staff is 3 years. These members may serve for a maximum of 3 consecutive terms to be followed by a minimum 2-year hiatus. This term limitation does not apply to either the UARC appointee or the ASIE appointee, who may serve for an unlimited number of 3-year terms, subject to confirmation by the Council. Students

The term for all student members is 1 year. Ex Officio

The Director’s term on the Council is governed by Section 3.1 of these bylaws.

3.2.3 Voting

Each member and student representative shall have one vote, with the exception of personnel decisions related to The Honors College on which students are not eligible to vote. Should academic staff be appointed to the University Honors Council, voting rights shall be in accord with the GOV 6.1 in the Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook.

3.2.4 Chair

Ordinarily, the chair of the University Honors Council shall be elected annually from among its faculty and academic staff members. The election will take place at the first meeting of the fall semester with the term of office beginning immediately. The chair shall serve a one-year term. The chair from the previous year is responsible for convening the first meeting of the academic year during which a new chair is elected. If the previous chair is no longer a member of the Council, then the most senior member of the University Honors Council serves as the chair pro tem (if there are two members with equal seniority, then the chair pro tem is the one whose last name occurs first alphabetically). Although not ideal, when necessary and with the approval of two-thirds of the Council, the position of the chair may be delegated to the Director. The chair of the Council is responsible for convening and administering meetings of the Council and, with the input of the Director, for setting the agenda for the meetings.

3.2.5 Council Responsibilities

The University Honors Council shall review and establish policy with respect to curriculum, goals and development, staffing, registration, delivery, evaluation, recruiting and research. The Council shall review and evaluate operations of the program and actions of the Director during the second year of each three-year term of the Director. If the Director is unable to carry out policies established by the University Honors Council, the Director shall explain this inability to the Council in writing in a timely manner.

3.2.6 Committees

The University Honors Council shall act as a committee of the whole on all matters within its jurisdiction. It may, as events require, establish ad hoc committees for specific purposes. With the approval of the Council, the Director may establish ad hoc committees and shall report on their operations to the Council.

Article IV. Meetings

4.1 The chair shall call a meeting of the University Honors Council at least once each semester at a time convenient for the majority of Council members. Additional meetings may be called by the chair of the Council at the request of any member of the Council who shall make his/her request to the chair.

4.2 The chair, with input from the Director, shall draw up the meeting agenda. Any Council member may request that the chair add items to meeting agendas.

4.3 A quorum for the University Honors Council shall consist of a majority of its members eligible to vote on matters presented.

Article V. Amendments

Any voting member of the University Honors Council may propose amendments to these bylaws. The Council may act on proposed amendments only if the proposed amendments have been distributed at least one week prior to the meeting at which action is taken. An amendment shall become effective upon approval by a majority of the University Honors Council and acceptance by the Faculty Senate in accordance with provisions of the Faculty Constitution.





Initial approval by The University Honors Council April 8, 2017
Revisions approved by The University Honors Council February 28, 2020
Initially approved by the Faculty Senate May 22, 2020