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At the Feb. 26, 2008, meeting of the Faculty Senate, President William Wacholtz reported on the recent U-Plan meeting and the Equity Scorecard.

Michael Jurmu (UW-Fond du Lac) gave a presentation on the New Era Faculty Dialogue Group.

The Senate asked for more time to review and make recommendations for the proposed changes in UWS Chapters 17 and 18 that address student nonacademic misconduct. The Senate approved a nonbinding referendum on Grading Policy and a Religious Observances Awareness Statement.

Nine APC Program Actions were approved.

The following committee appointments were approved: Mihoko Watanabe (music), Search & Screen Director of Career Services; and Elena Gonzalez-Mutaner (foreign languages and literatures), Roger Guiles Leadership Award Committee.

The bylaws of both public affairs and geology also were approved.