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Lead, Inspire, Educate, ChallengeRegistration opens on Monday, Sept. 5 for this year’s annual conference supporting diversity and inclusion organized by the four higher education institutions of Fond du Lac County through the Higher Education Diversity Initiative Team (HEDIT).

The 2016 conference on Ideological Diversity: Creating Civil Dialogue is open to the public and will be held 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 6 at the University of Wisconsin-Fond du Lac, 400 University Dr., Fond du Lac. The HEDIT conference is a collaboration between Marian University, Moraine Park Technical College, Ripon College and UW-Fond du Lac.

This year’s focus is on building a strong community that can have open dialogue across cultural and ideological boundaries. Participants will learn tools and strategies for engaging in conversations on divisive issues that often lead to civil discord in a more effective and conciliatory way. The event will begin with a keynote presentation followed by lunch and participatory group activities.

The facilitators and featured speakers at this event are from the Public Conversations Project. This organization was established in 1989 with the goal of fostering constructive dialogue where conflicts are driven by differences in identity, beliefs and values.

There is no fee for the workshop but advance registration is required online.  Students and staff from these institutions and members of the Fond du Lac County community are invited to attend.

About HEDIT: The Higher Education Diversity Initiative Team (HEDIT) is a group of faculty and staff formed by the presidents and CEOs of Fond du Lac County’s four higher education institutions to plan “an annual collaborative project designed to promote a climate of appreciation for all aspects of human diversity, supporting, fostering and welcoming inclusiveness, respect and dignity for all.” HEDIT’s mission is to lead, inspire, educate and challenge their institutions and the Fond du Lac County community in promoting diversity and inclusiveness.


Christopher Johnson, UW-FDL religious studies professor and HEDIT committee member