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2020-2022 Graduate Instructional Academic Staff (IAS)

Graduate Faculty Definition

January 25, 2017
Revisions Approved, Graduate Council, December 6, 2018

Article I. Graduate Faculty and Graduate Instructional Academic Staff

Section 1. Definition. Graduate faculty and graduate instructional academic staff shall include University of Wisconsin Oshkosh personnel who are qualified to engage in graduate-level activities.

Section 2: Graduate-Level Activities. Activities may include, but are not limited to: assignment to graduate classroom instruction; graduate curricular oversight and assessment; graduate admissions decisions and recommendations; graduate student academic advisement; facilitation of graduate student growth and development; Graduate Council and/or departmental graduate committee activities; candidacy and comprehensive examination responsibilities; involvement in culminating projects such as field projects, theses, dissertations, seminar or clinical papers, clinical internship or clinical practicum instruction; external promotion of graduate activities.

Section 3: Minimum Criteria for Qualification. Although individual departments may adopt more stringent requirements based on departmental needs, the minimum requirements to qualify as a member of the Graduate Faculty or Graduate Instructional Academic Staff are:

  1. A graduate degree in the appropriate professional field or discipline as determined by the individual department; and
  2. A record of productive scholarship, creative endeavor, or achievement in application (e.g., mentor, teacher, practitioner).
  3. In the absence of a terminal degree in the specific, relevant discipline, the University may hire faculty or instructional academic staff if they meet the following criteria for equivalent experience. To be qualified on the basis of equivalent experience, instructors must have a documented record of discipline-based practice at a level that ensures mastery of the content of the courses taught and ongoing currency in the field. The experience must provide evidence of breadth and depth of knowledge in real-world situations relevant to the discipline. Each academic program may identify additional ways to document equivalent experience. In addition to professional experience relevant to the field, the candidate must demonstrate evidence of a minimum of two of the following (non-inclusive):
    1. publications, recognition of scholarly activity, or
    2. licensure or professional certification, or
    3. documentation of excellence in practice (excluding higher education instruction), or
    4. qualifications as determined by specialty accreditation agency, or
    5. invited guest presentations at professional conferences, or
    6. evidence of continuing education, or
    7. documentation of other professional activities demonstrating the acquisition of ongoing currency within the discipline.

At the point of hire, both the Dean and the Provost must authorize the final hire based on the department’s/unit’s/program’s previously approved criteria for equivalent experience.

Section 4. Appointment and Renewal Process

A. By October 1st of each academic year, each college/unit shall provide the Dean of Graduate Studies a list of new nominees, continuing members, and deleted members of the Graduate Faculty.

B. Assignment to participate in graduate-level activities will follow standard University, College, and Departmental personnel and administrative protocols.


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Kyle Ackeret (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Deb Allar (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Abayomi M. Animashaun (2012)
Lecturer of English/Ph.D. University of Kansas; M.F.A. University of Nevada-Las Vegas; B.S. Marian College

Emily Arendsee (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Barbara Arnold-Tengesdal (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Kristin Ashley (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file


Morgan Bailey (2020)
Nursing/D.N.P. University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

Brian Bartel (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Ashley Bath (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Courtney E. Bauder (2002)
Lecturer of CNL-BAS-Leadership & Organizational Studies/Lecturer of Interdisciplinary Studies/B.S. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Loren P. Baybrook (1998)
Lecturer of English/Ph.D., M.A. University of Virginia; B.A. Walla Walla College

Deb Beyer (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Robyn Bindrich (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Karl E. Boehler (1991)
Senior Lecturer of English/Ph.D. Marquette University; M.A. Western Michigan University; B.A. University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Mary Brands (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Mary K. Brands (2001)
Lecturer of Nursing/D.S. University of Illinois at Medical Center

Kimberly Brown (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Andrea Butler (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file


Kimberly J. Calvert (2008)
Senior Lecturer of Kinesiology/M.S. Indiana University Southeast; B.S. Northern Arizona University

Peter Cernhous (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Carol Collien (1997)
Clinical Assistant Professor of Social Work/M.S.W. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; B.S. University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

Jill M. Collier (2000)
Lecturer of Nursing/D.N.S., M.S.N. University of Tennessee, Memphis; B.A. Concordia College

Julie Conrad (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Joseph A. Cook (2002)
Lecturer of Education and Human Services/M.E. University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Jeff Cooley (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Gina Cornu (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file


Shannon Davis-Foust (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Wendi Dawson (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Richard DCamp (1996)
Sr. Admin Program Specialist of Foreign Langauge/Ph.D., M.A. University of Iowa; B.A. St. Ambrose University

Shamiah Dekker (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Elizabeth L. Delamater (2015)
Lecturer of Music/D.M.A. Arizona State University; M.M. Florida State University; B.M. Northern Illinois University

Jenna DeVries (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Mary K. Diederich (2015)
Lecturer of Business/M.B.A. Lakeland College; B.B.A. University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Mark Duerwaechter (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

David Duncombe (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file


Nathan R. Edwards (2015)
Lecturer of Music/M.M. Northern Illinois University; B.M. University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Robert Eidahl (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file


Susan Lynn Finkel (2000)
Lecturer of Education and Human Services/M.A. St. Mary’s University of Minnesota; B.A. Concordia University, St. Paul

Michael Foley (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Patience Fonkem (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Kathy Federickson (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Mandy Froehlich (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file


Janelle Galica (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

David Gilboa (1991)
Senior Lecturer of Philosophy/Ph.D., M.A. Ohio State University; B.A.Israel

Linda J. Gobis (2012)
Lecturer of Nursing/J.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison; M.S.N. University of Washington; B.S.N. University of Wisconsin-Madison

Andrea Gross Hixon (2012)
Lecturer of Music/D.M.A., M.M. University of Rochester-Eastman School of Music; B.M.University of Wisconsin-Madison

Nicole Gutman (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Kerry Guttenberg (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Kathleen Gwidt (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file


Jill Halverson (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Sharon Hawi (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Christina Heagle (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Lisa Hindermann (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Robert Hinrichs (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Sommer Hodson (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Rebecca Hoffman (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file


John (Jack) Johnsen (2005)
Athletic Trainer III for Kinesiology/Intercollegiate Athletics/M.A. Western Michigan University; B.S. University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Ann Marie Johnson (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file


Jacqueline Karlin (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Tiffany King (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Rebecca Kitchen (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Linda Kuhaupt (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file


Sarah Lang (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Margaret Larson (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Garth Larson (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Jeffrey T. Lavake (2007)
Senior Lecturer of Business/M.B.A. University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; B.B.A. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Brian Lefeber (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Leigh-Ann Marie Lethco (1999)
Lecturer of Music/Ph.D. Louisiana State University & A&M College; M.M., B.M.E. Ohio University

Gretchen Lettau (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Kathleen L. Lynch (1999)
Senior Lecturer of Business, Senior Lecturer of Computer Science/M.S. Texas A & M University; B.S. Michigan Technological University


Jessica Machmueller (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Katherine Manthey (2012)
Lecturer of Business/M.S. University of Wisconsin-Stout; B.B.A. University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Nicole Marinin (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Claire Martin (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Stephen M. McCabe (2009)
Lecturer of English/Ph.D., M.A. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; B.A. University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Heather McCombs (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Michelle McKay (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Laura K. McLaughlin (2014)
Lecturer of Music/D.M.A. University of Wisconsin-Madison; M.M., B.M. Eastern Michigan University

Luke Menet (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Colleen Merrill (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Jennifer Meyer (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Andrew J. Miller (2004)
Senior Lecturer of Business/ M.B.A. University of Wisconsin Oshkosh; B.S. Milwaukee School of Engineering

Matthew S. Miller (2009)
Lecturer of Music/M.M. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; B.A. University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Maryann Monteith (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Angela Moore (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

William N. Morrison (2008)
Lecturer of Business/M.S. Bradley University; B.A. Upper Iowa University

Crystal L. Mueller (2006)
Senior Lecturer of English/ Ph.D., M.A. Marquette University; B.A. Concordia University Wisconsin

Julie Munsey (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file


Kimberly Nichols-Green (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Barbara Novak (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Greg Nyen (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file


Robert M. O’Donnell (2007)
Lecturer of Business/M.B.A. University of Wisconsin Oshkosh; B.S. University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Beth O’Laire (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Katrina Olsen (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Sarah Olson (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Melanie Oppor (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Devin Otto (2015)
Assistant Professor of Music/D.M.A. University of Colorado at Boulder; M.A. Eastern Washington University; B.M. St. John’s University


Sarah Pamperin (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Mary Jo Pankratz (2000)
Lecturer of Geology/M.S. Washington State University

Diane Park (2009)
Lecturer of Nursing/M.S.N. University of Wisconsin Oshkosh; B.S.N. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Michell Pascarella (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Wade C. Peitersen (1999)
Director of Sports Medicine Services, Intercollegiate Athletics/M.A. Western Michigan University; B.S. University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Mary Pfeiffer (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Theresa M. Pichelmeyer (2014)
Lecturer of Nursing/Ed.D; Nova University; M.P.A., B.S.N. University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Jeffrey W. Pickron (2004)
Lecturer of History/M.A. James Madison University; B.S. University of Texas at Austin

Ellen E. Pitsch (1994)
Lecturer of Nursing/M.S.N., B.S.N. University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Wendy K. Potratz (2006)
Senior Lecturer of Business/M.B.A., B.B.A. University of Wisconsin Oshkosh


Chad Ramskugler (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Janet Ray (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Andrea Reichenberger (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Scott Rogalsky (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Carol A. Rosing (2004)
Lecturer of Music/M.M. Manhattan School of Music; B.M.E. University of Wisconsin-Madison

Theresa Rubin (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file


Elizabeth Schendel (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Wendi Schreiter (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Molly Schumacher (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Kelly J. Schwab (2007)
Lecturer of Business/J.D. Hamline University; M.S. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; B.B.A. St. Norbert College

Leslie Schweitzer (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Dawn Shimura (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Dawn Skrzypchak (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Laura L. Smolinkski (2005)
Lecturer of Nursing/Ph. D., M.S.N. University of Phoenix; B.S.N. Carroll College

Linda Stroik (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Shelley L. Strojny (2003)
Lecturer of Nursing/M.S.N. Phoenix College; B.S.N. University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Peter Strube (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Amy Swick (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file


Sharon Tenhundfeld (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Jessica Timmen Schwefel (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Jess Tomasiewicz (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Kirsten Trundle (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file


Daniel Vande Zande (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

George Vater Olsen (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Carol Veltus (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Elizabeth Vorachek (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file


Chad Wade (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Drew Whiting (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

DJ Wolover (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Timothy Wren (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file


Mylia Yang (2020)
Lecturer in Human Services Leadership/M.S., B.S. University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh


Debra Zarling (2020)
Graduate Instructor designated by the College for their respective discipline; Academic credentials on file

Julie A. Zuleger (2002)
Lecturer of Education and Human Services/Ph.D. Capella University; M.S. Silver Lake College-Holy Family; B.S. University of Wisconsin Oshkosh