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Yaya! The mural is finally completed! Everyone has worked hard and has got the sunburn to prove it. As the trip is coming to a close I think back to when I first arrived and had no idea what to expect. I did not know whether Hondurans would accept all of us being American. But what I have come to realize is they are very open to diversity and accepting differences. They have invited us into their home and made us traditional Honduras meals. They taught us how to dance and helped us learn a few Spanish phrases. Children from the school have taught us games and try to communicate with us, even though it may be difficult sometimes. With all this being said, I would like to adapt to this way of thinking and accept everyone no matter what their differences are.

Most of the group have seemed to have adapted to the “Honduran time”. This meaning we are relaxed and take one day at a time. It’s nice to think this way not only because its completely opposite of the way Americans thing, but because sometime we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of school and work and we forget to stop and appreciate all that life has given us.

This trip has been more than helping out a school with a mural. It has been life changing and opened our eyes to how someone’s time and effort can improve not only the lives of others but also to make a difference in our lives. I plan on taking what I learned here and applying it to my life back in Wisconsin.

