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As the 2017-19 biennial budget process gets underway, there are new proposals and natural questions related to potential changes in state employees’ health insurance. UW System has been closely monitoring last week’s state Group Insurance Board (GIB) vote to adopt a self-insured funding model for state workers, effective January 2018.

This proposal will need approval from the state legislature as part of the budget process. UW System anticipates the legislature’s key budget review committee—the Joint Finance Committee—may not consider the proposal until May. However, our human resources colleagues at UW System and at UW Oshkosh are already analyzing the possible changes and their potential impact. Please see this one-page overview, which offers some helpful answers to common questions you might have. 

There are still months of careful examination ahead for this proposal, but we want to provide as much reliable information to you as early as possible. Let me also encourage you to take advantage of our HR Connections meetings to stay informed and to ask questions. Our human resources staff plan to outline and explain self-insurance at their next session, scheduled for 8:30 until 10 a.m. on Feb. 20 in Sage Hall, Room 1239.

We pledge to keep you informed as we learn more, and we thank you for taking the time to stay engaged throughout the biennial budget process ahead.



Chancellor Andy Leavitt