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I had the privilege of sharing the following message and good news with our campus communities and many stakeholders on Friday, Sept. 21… 


Campus communities,

Today we share with you the good news that the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) has officially accredited the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh for another decade. While we anticipated this outcome, it nevertheless represents another hard-earned achievement in a series of University successes over the last year. I hope you will proudly herald the good news to others.

Accreditation is a rigorous process. It tests us. It measures our daily efforts against our mission. It demands we demonstrate results. Earning this 10-year endorsement is both a validation and milestone. We receive it thanks to the dedication of our students, faculty and staff members, the allegiance of caring alumni, and the support of countless stakeholders.

As part of our commitment to continuous improvement and consistent with what HLCrequires of higher education institutions moving through this process, UW Oshkosh will prepare three interim reports related to student assessment, student complaint processes and budget controls. You can read the HLC’s report here.

We appreciate and understand the HLC’s determinations, and we thank our reviewers for reaching and sharing principled and constructive conclusions. College, division, department and office members throughout the university continue to integrate policies, plans and best practices that typify a commitment to ethical and accountable behavior and a renewed spirit of stewardship moving forward.

As you know, in November 2017 outside of the accreditation process, the university received the HLC’s “On Notice” designation related to financial actions taken several years ago by former administrators. It is the least severe form of university sanction from the HLC. While we remain On Notice, I am confident that 10-year accreditation is a critical stepping stone toward the removal of that status. As I shared with you in June upon the HLC’s approval of the restructuring that joined UW Oshkosh with UW-Fond du Lac and UW-Fox Valley, many people vested in the continuous improvement of this new university have worked incredibly hard to help us persevere through unprecedented circumstances.

Today, be proud of the new affirmation. You and your contributions light the way toward our bright future. Thank you for all you do for UW Oshkosh.