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Celebration of Scholarship and Creative Activity 2023

Ceramic Slip Casting

Kely Carrasquillo

Junior, BA 3D Studio Art & Spanish Minor


Hello, my name is Kely Carrasquillo, I am a Studio Art Major with a Spanish minor. I have been working with ceramics for over 2 years now but until last year I hadn’t had the opportunity to try slip casting. I work with ceramics because it allows me to create functional objects that express my artistic style. I invite the viewer to imagine my pieces in their own home, to share their life with my work. Ceramics is one of the only art materials that people touch, handle, has function, and can be used to nourish the owner. I became interested in exploring slip cast ceramics, because the process allows me to make multiples of any piece that I make and offers me the opportunity to modify each reproduction. I am drawn to porcelain clay because of how delicate it is compared to stoneware clay, the material is visually lighter, softer, and provides a deeper, richer glaze surface.
With functional pieces there is also a piece of the maker, there is a feeling or a meaning that goes along with an item when it is hand made. There is a history or a story behind the item for example, a cup is more than just a cup, it can be a moment to think of my friend who made it or who I was with when I bought it. With slip casting, this allows to make multiples of a specific item, it also allows to modify or personalize each piece.

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