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The University Studies Program (USP) is UW Oshkosh’s general education program.  

All American universities have a general education program.  The name University Studies Program has been chosen for UW Oshkosh general education to convey that this program is intentionally designed to support high impact practices and inclusive excellence. Some of its unique features are small, first-year-experience classes, the community engagement experience that second-year students do, and the three signature questions that are woven throughout USP courses. This has all been achieved without adding credits to graduation.

Typically, students who start at UW Oshkosh with fewer than fifteen college credits* participate in the 3-course Quest sequence of first-year and second-year experiences. Quest courses count as Explore courses. Typically students complete 9 Explore courses.  Along the way, one of these Explore courses will offer a focus on Global Citizenship, while another will offer a focus on Ethnic Studies. Every student also completes WRT 188 (a first-year writing course), Communications 111 (a first-year speaking course), and Writing 288 (a second- or third-year writing course). 

*To determine your particular requirements, please meet with your academic advisor.


Follow this link for the USP General Education Requirements – Oshkosh Campus flier.

Follow this link for the USP General Education Requirements – Fox and Fond du Lac Campuses flier.

Follow this link for the General Education Information for Transfer Students flier


The USP was designed by the faculty of UW Oshkosh, and students started in the program in the Fall of 2013.  The USP was based on proven High Impact Practices in higher education, as well as the Essential Learning Outcomes that UW Oshkosh wants every student to have learned by graduation.