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The central premise of Inclusive Excellence holds that UW System colleges and universities need to intentionally integrate their diversity efforts into the core aspects of their institutions—such as their academic priorities, leadership, quality improvement initiatives, decision-making, day-to-day operations, and organizational cultures—in order to maximize their success. See Frequently Asked Questions and more about Inclusive Excellence from the Division of Student Affairs.

Articles and Readings

Dialogues of Diversity Podcasts

The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) Diversity Dialogues project invited students of color and LGBTQ students to participate in weekly dialogues during Spring 2011. The conversations focused upon campus and classroom challenges and successes experienced at UW Oshkosh, with a goal of using their experiences to identify recommended practices for increasing inclusive excellence. Each student received a STEP-stipend for their participation in this extensive project.

After weeks of discussion, the students – with facilitation from faculty members Jordan Landry, Norlisha Crawford and CETL Director Lori Carrell – created podcasts that can be of use to the USP teaching community and others; some instructors may wish to use portions of these podcasts in the classroom.

Listen to the Dialogues of Diversity Podcasts from iTunesU.