UWO Psychology Club

Anyone interested or a part of the psychology major or minor is welcome to join! Psychology Club provides a forum in which students can interact with others who have similar interests. The meetings are designed to fill several functions including:

  • Providing a way for students to meet others while discussing topics and issues in psychology
  • To learn about opportunities available to psychology majors and minors on campus
  • To provide more information about courses and the department
  • To discuss graduate school and jobs related to the field of psychology
  • To get to know the psychology faculty in a more casual environment

Meeting Time: Once per month on Thursdays from 5-6pm in Sage 1234

How to Join: Email amadorke19@uwosh.edu to request being added to our email list and join our meetings when you have the time. We look forward to meeting you!

Stay updated on our Facebook and Instagram!

Psychology Club Officers: Fall 2023 to Spring 2024 Academic Year

President: Kelsey Amador (amadorke19@uwosh.edu)

Vice-President: Karlee Tyler-Naze (tylernazka85@uwosh.edu)

Secretary: Adelia Ehrlich (ehrlia87@uwosh.edu)

Treasurer: Connor Suerth (suerthco54@uwosh.edu)