Dr. Mark Lattery, Distinguished Professor of Physics, University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh, Recipient of the 2021 David Hestenes Award for Exceptional Contributions to Modeling Instruction

Frequently Asked Questions | FAQs

1. How do I register for the course? To register, please click “Course Registration” on the left menu, or click here.
2. How many credits is the course? All Next Generation Modeling Courses (NGMCs) are normally taken for 2 credits. However, teachers may enroll under the “credit plus one option” for 3 credits. This option requires the implementation and evaluation of an NGSS-aligned, model-centered lesson. For a summer course, this work occurs in the fall semester and grades are transcripted for the summer; for a fall course, this work occurs in the spring semester and grades are transcripted for the fall; and for a spring course, this work occurs in the latter half of the spring. Results are shared in the form of a written report.

3. Does this course meet HLC requirements for “in discipline” graduate credits? Yes. NGMCs are graduate-level content-pedagogy courses designed for teachers seeking HLC certification to become dual enrollment instructors. According to HLC policy (Determining Qualified Faculty Through HLC’s Criteria for Accreditation and Assumed Practices, 2016):

HLC…recognizes that dual credit faculty members who have obtained a Master of Education degree but not a master’s degree in a discipline…may have academic preparation to satisfy HLC’s expectations. In this context, the curricula of graduate degrees in the field of Education, when inclusive of 


    • graduate-level content in the discipline and 
    • methods courses that are specifically for the teaching of that discipline 

satisfy HLC’s dual credit faculty expectations.

NGMCs fall into the second category (“methods courses…of that discipline”), as suggested by the “for Teachers” extension in all course titles. At the same time, a strong disciplinary focus will be evident in all areas of the course, including homework, discussions, and the study of research on how students think and learn.

Please consult your local dual-credit college and university partners for additional requirements.

4. How long is the course? NGMCs are 8 weeks during the regular academic school year and 4 weeks during the summer.
5. What is the time investment? The amount of time required to complete this course (including homework, labs, readings, and discussions) is highly dependent on your subject-matter content background. The official total time commitment is governed by UW System Administrative Policy 165. As 20+ year veterans of physics teacher professional development, we are sensitive to the needs of teaching professionals and will work with you to balance your teaching schedule and coursework.
6. Is this course online, hybrid, or face-to-face?  NGMCs are fully online courses with asynchronous discussions.

7. What is the level of the course? This course is taught at a level appropriate for physics teachers teaching algebra-based physics. Graduate-level course content is drawn from an analysis of the physics education research literature (e.g., student learning difficulties, common misconceptions, learning theory, and assessment) and practical classroom implementation strategies.


8. How is the course structured? Each NGMC covers 8 topics: either 2 topics per week for 4 weeks during the summer, or 1 topic per week for 8 weeks during the regular academic year. Each topic consists of four assignments:


    • pre-laboratory worksheet
    • reflective writing assignment
    • post-laboratory worksheet
    • related teacher reading discussion

Small- and large-group asynchronous online discussions are used extensively.

9. When can I register? Teachers can register until Thursday midnight before the first day of class, the subsequent Monday. The total enrollment cap for the course (including all sections) is 20 teachers. 

10. When is tuition due? Your payment deadline date depends on when you register. This date will be emailed to you after you register.
11. Can I take the course for audit? Sorry, this course is not offered for audit or non-credit.
12. What days and times does the course meet? The course is taught fully online using asynchronous small- and large-group discussions. Specific assignments are due throughout the week, but there are no specific meeting times. For a weekly schedule, please see the sample syllabus given in the “Curriculum and Course Descriptions” page (accessible from the left menu). Discussions typically occur in the evenings and are based on virtual lab activities. Teachers can also participate in optional face-to-face meetings once per week.

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Physics & Astronomy

N. Halsey Science Center
Room 127 or 142
921 Elmwood Ave.


Department Chair

Dr. Nadia Kaltcheva
Room 337B


More contact information


Department Office Hours
7:45 a.m.-4:30 p.m.



