Graduate Program

Program Overview

The Masters of Science in Psychology (Cognitive and Affective emphasis) is a program designed to train students to conduct research across ALL disciplines of psychology including but not limited to research in: clinical psychology, social psychology, biopsychology, neuroscience, quantitative psychology, cognitive psychology, comparative psychology, health psychology, and organizational psychology.

Cognition and affect are theoretical constructs that bridge multiple levels of analysis and a variety of psychological phenomena. The program offers students exposure to all faculty who will teach various approaches to the study of psychological experience. This coupled with high-quality instruction offers our students the theoretical and practical background and skills necessary for succeeding in diverse careers in academia and in both the public and private sectors.

Congrats to our recent graduates!

The strength of the Masters of Science in Psychology program is the strong emphasis on quantitative and methodological training. Students are required to take two quantitative courses and two research method courses, along with electives that are offered on a rotating basis.  Building on basic statistical techniques (e.g., ANOVA), students are progressively exposed to multivariate techniques such as factor analysis, discriminant analysis, and mediation/moderation analysis.  The program also parallels quantitative training with in-depth coverage of scientific methodology and the process of conducting psychological research. Students are exposed to topics including research design (e.g., experimental versus quasi-experimental), reliability, validity, and research biases.

Learn more about the graduate program