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Provide An Internship

Recruit the best students in the field

If your firm is interested in providing a professional internship for UW Oshkosh Radio TV Film students, please fill out the information below.  The purpose of this program is to provide your organization with enthusiastic students interested in a media career and to give the student real-world experience that can build on their educational background.

We require students to have junior status and a 2.5 GPA to participate in the internship program.  We also require internship providers to give the student professional supervision and write a short one-page status report for the instructor at the mid-point and end of the internship.

We can tailor the term of the internship to your needs, and these opportunities need not “line up” with the academic calendar.  Thanks for offering this opportunity to our students!

Radio TV Film Department

(920) 424-3131
A&C W112

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