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Strategic Plan
UW Oshkosh College of Business

Our Vision

To be the business education partner of choice in Northeast Wisconsin and beyond.

Our Winning Aspiration

We inspire our community to develop beyond all expectations.

Our Mission

We create, curate, apply, and communicate knowledge for sustainable economic and societal success in Northeast Wisconsin and beyond.

Societal Impact Statement:

Our college commits to intentional, planned, and measurable positive societal impact on our community. We seek to make this impact through teaching, research, and service to our stakeholders by promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all (UN SDG 8). 

Innovation Statement:​

Embracing innovation using a growth mindset is central to our College. We strive to build a culture of self-awareness, authenticity, and courage that allows us to recognize what we don’t know as easily as we recognize what we do know. In this culture, failure is celebrated as an essential part of the innovation process that builds resilience, learning, and growth. Success is celebrated as inspiration for what more is possible.

Strategic Themes

Engaging and applied academic programs

Programs that are interesting, up-to-date, inspire action, provide opportunities for hands-on learning, interact with area businesses and discipline experts.

Expected outcomes and metrics


  • Our learners perceive our programs to be interesting and engaging.
  • Our academic programs lead learners to identify a field that they are excited to pursue after their studies.
  • Our learners are able to apply what they learn to real world problems and situations.


  • Faculty/staff experience fulfillment teaching in engaging, applied programs that connect them and learners to practice.


  • Our alumni continue to feel engaged in their chosen field.
  • Our alumni believe their program gave them practical tools necessary to succeed in their chosen field(s).


  • Employers believe that engaging with our programs helps them to achieve their organizational goals.

Applied and pedagogical research

Applied or Integrative/Application Scholarship draws from basic research and discovery and uses accumulated theories, knowledge, methods, and techniques to solve real-world problems and/or issues with practice. Teaching and Learning Scholarship explores the theory and methods of teaching and advances new understandings, insights, content, and methods that impact learning behavior.

Expected outcomes and metrics


  • Learners perceive our programs are engaging and applied.


  • Faculty are skilled at translating their discipline-based research into applied outlets and at conducting applied and pedagogical research.
  • Faculty are thought leaders in developing new pedagogical understanding.
  • Faculty continuously improve their understanding of current teaching practices.


  • Our constituents seek us out for collaborative research, discipline-based consultation, and provide access to their organizations for research.
  • Our constituents recognize that we are leaders in pedagogical research related to online education in business and economics.

Profound personal and professional development

Professional development includes knowledge of one’s field, professional networking, interpersonal and communication skills, ethical decision-making, teamwork and collaboration, leadership, inclusive excellence, and the ability to give and receive constructive feedback. Personal development focuses on creating greater self-awareness and emotional intelligence, an understanding of factors contributing to one’s life satisfaction and how to manage those areas, and an appreciation for the personal growth that one still needs.

Expected outcomes and metrics

Personal Development

  • Graduates feel supported in their academic and personal journey and leave with significant growth in self-awareness, including an appreciation for where they still have room for growth.

Professional Development

  • Our learners have strong interpersonal skills, including professional networking, ethical decision-making, teamwork/collaboration, leadership, cultural sensitivity and inclusive excellence, the ability to receive feedback and strong communication skills.

Faculty/Staff Development

  • Faculty and staff feel supported in their personal and professional development and are satisfied with their progress.
  • Faculty and staff have sufficient opportunities for personal and professional development.
  • Our faculty, learners, and staff exhibit our values.


  • Alumni continue development of personal and professional skills throughout their lives.
  • COB is seen as a hub for personal and professional development for our alumni.


  • We are seen as a hub of personal and professional development knowledge for employers in our region.

Outreach activities that have a positive impact on society, business, and the academy

Outreach activities are those activities that bring university staff and expertise to bear on problems and issues outside of the university and UW System.

Expected outcomes and metrics


  • Our learners derive a sense of satisfaction and connection from community outreach activities.
  • Our learners understand how their skills can support the needs of the community.
  • We provide opportunities for learners to engage in impactful, positive outreach activities.


  • Our faculty and staff derive a sense of satisfaction and connection from community outreach activities and understand how their skills can support the needs of the community.
  • Our faculty/staff are engaged in outreach activities.


  • Local organizations look to College of Business learners, faculty, and staff to help solve practical problems
  • Our community believes the College of Business is engaged in community outreach activities.

Core Values


Show up, Volunteer, Participate, Effect Change. We are doers who recognize the necessity of action. We use our curiosity to expand our horizons. We enthusiastically participate in discourse inside and outside our classrooms and workspaces. We joyfully show up to volunteer, serve, effect change, and lead for our fellow students, colleagues, and community.


Respect, Communicate, Work Hard, Meet Goals. We are responsible students, staff, teachers, researchers, and business leaders. We take pride in our work. We communicate with civility. We give and receive compassionate, critical feedback. We make rational, evidence-based decisions. We work hard toward shared goals. We maintain a culture of work-life balance for each other.


Welcome, Include, Appreciate, Support. We are a respectful and inclusive community. We welcome diverse people to express their authenticity. We appreciate each other for our contributions. We support each other to achieve our full potential. We create and maintain close connections with individuals, groups, businesses, and society.

Continuous Improvement

Evaluate, Learn, Grow, Never Settle. We are proactive, life-long learners.  We create, evaluate, and improve our work and learning environments. We promote, support, and acknowledge quality education, research, service, and business practices. We are always progressing toward the next level of excellence.


Enact Values, Consider Stakeholders, Follow Through, Hold Accountable. We are ethical, honest, genuine, and transparent. We are considerate of our stakeholders in our decision-making and actions. We are courageous. We say what we mean. We do what we say. We hold each other accountable.

How we serve our constituents


  • Implementing the Wisconsin Idea in Northeast Wisconsin
  • Supporting local businesses, including those that operate globally
  • Educating future business leaders all over the world but primarily within 100 miles of our location in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
  • Supporting the larger University of Wisconsin Oshkosh and University of Wisconsin System
  • Contributing to the larger academic and professional communities in business and economics
  • Offering a cost-effective, AACSB accredited business education for learners and their families
  • Offering post-baccalaureate education to alumni and the community
  • Providing expertise and services to nonprofit organizations and government agencies
  • Providing effective stewardship of donor contributions