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Academic Probation

Students who are on probation have an official UWO grade point average of less than 2.0 and are in poor academic standing with the college. Probation is designed to serve as a warning that some things need to change.

View information about Academic Standing Levels (Not in Good Standing) on the Registrar’s website.


What do I do if I am on Probation?

Step 1

Repeat coursework at UW Oshkosh.

  • University policy allows for repeats of grades lower than a C without an appeal. View the Registrar’s repeat policy.
Step 2

Enroll in one or more of the following courses.

  • Academic Recovery (Academic Skills 115): Identify and overcome personal barriers to academic success, learn and apply the strategies and skills necessary to restore academic standing and self-confidence, and practice self-monitoring strategies to facilitate successful independent learning. Learn more about Academic Skills 115 under “Academic Suspension”. 
  • Study Skills (Academic Skills 125): Learn techniques to increase effectiveness in the areas of textbook study, lecture notes, time management, memory, test taking, and vocabulary.
  • Reading Strategies (Academic Skills 169): Focus on comprehending nonfiction, strengthening study reading techniques, improving vocabulary, and increasing reading rate in difficult material.
  • Academic and Career Exploration (Professional Counseling 201): Recommended for all students who are undecided about a major or career choice.
Step 3

Utilize your resources

  • Career & Professional Development (Student Success Center 125)
  • Center for Academic Resources (Student Success Center 102)
  • Counseling Center (Student Success Center 240)
  • Math Lab (Swart Hall 017 or  Swart Hall 301 for remedial math)
  • Reading Study Center (Nursing/Education Building 201)
  • Writing Center (Student Success Center 102)
Step 4

Reduce your credit load, work schedule, and/or student involvement.

How do I get from Probation to Graduation?

Video Transcript

The transcript for the above UW Oshkosh YouTube video is displayed below.

A Path to Student Success at UW Oshkosh

(upbeat music)

I got on academic probation. Getting an email telling me that I couldn’t get financial aid because you have to meet the requirements, it was definitely heart-breaking.

I got caught up in my social life. And, you know, trying to be that cool kid on campus. And then trying to balance a collegiate sport at the same time was really difficult for me, so I had to pick which one. Something had to go, and I chose football. It had to go even though I had been playing for a while. Something had to go. I mean, at the end of the day academics is more important.

What I did was I said I’ll pay out of pocket. I was like I’ll save my money and I’ll take a couple courses. I took those two courses, and the financial aid office said “If you get two A’s in those courses, we’ll grant you financial aid.” Show us your improvement. So, I did just that. I did really well that second semester. I got like a 3.7 GPA and I was like wow I really can do this.

I would say use all the resources possible on campus. Don’t feel bad because you need help. There are probably a thousand other kids on this campus who have the same questions you have. The Student Success Center has definitely… has definitely helped me stay on my strict path to where I want to be. They always tell you “If you feel like this is going to be a struggle course do it right away.” Don’t wait until you fail the first or the second exam to be like okay now I need a tutor. Because then it’s probably too late. By then it really is the little things. You take the time to get a tutor now it’s going to help you in the long run. I meet with my advisor every week.

Looking back on where I started and where I am now lets me know that I can do it. I can’t stress that anymore that you can do it. You just gotta put in the work.


Probation Policy

View the University’s probation policy.

Academic Suspension

Re-entry from Suspension

Information about suspension, re-entry from suspension, and the appeal process can be found on the Registrar’s website.

Suspension and the Appeal Process

If you are a student who is on academic suspension (Suspension 1, Suspension 2, Suspension 5, or Suspension 6), please visit the Registrar’s website for more information.

Suspension Policy

View the University’s suspension policy


Suspension Appeal Process

How Do I Appeal My Suspension?

Review the Registrar’s official policy for appealing suspension.

How Does Fall/Spring Interim Affect My Suspension?

Learn the impact of interim grades on your academic standing.

FAQs About the Appeal Process

Read common FAQs and answers.

Academic Skills 115: Academic Recovery

Academic Recovery: (Academic Skills 115) is a 14 week course designed to focus on promoting your ability in four categories that are essential to becoming a successful student:

  • Motivation
  • Self-management
  • Study behaviors and strategies
  • Engagement with university support networks.

Testimonials from Students who have taken ACAD115:

  • “This class has taught me a lot.  I wish this was recommended to all the first semester.  It helped me realize that I wasn’t by myself and that others struggled too.”
  • “I believe this class is extremely beneficial and I would recommend this course to anyone struggling with academics.”
  • “This class has really helped making studying easier and more effective.  Instead of wasting time just mindlessly reading textbooks and notes, I now can get more info into my head through the various strategies we learned in class.  Thanks so much!”
  • “This class was a huge help to me.  I now know how to study and I already see an improvement in my grades and my behaviors in the classroom.”
  • “Really enjoyed this class, learned new skills/techniques to have a successful college experience.”
  • “This course was extremely beneficial to my success in college because I learned things that helped me succeed in all other courses this semester and semesters to come.”