
Proud to be a Titan

As a University of Wisconsin Oshkosh alum, you are part of our large and growing network of more than 8,520 healthcare professionals. When you stay involved, the value of your degree continues to grow.

College of Nursing alumni create significant change and impact on their communities through excellent patient care in the dynamic healthcare industry. CON graduates serve as leaders in communities throughout the United States and internationally in such areas as home healthcare, military nursing, neonatal nursing, school nursing and nursing in developing countries. As alumni, we encourage you to remain connected to your alma mater and take advantage of the opportunities to engage with fellow alumni, connect with current students or serve as a career mentor for the next generation of Titan nurses.

College of Nursing

Clow Social Science Center
Room C210
800 Algoma Blvd.
Oshkosh, WI 54901